7 Tips to Make Your Garden Bed Shine This Summer

Jul 21, 2021 | Landscaping, Lawn Care & Maintenance

These Simple Reminders Will Deliver Stunning Results

We wait for it all year long—summertime. It’s an especially long wait for those of us here in the northeast. After months and months of cold, bitter, snowy weather, we count down the days to summer from the first day of spring! And while summer allows us to escape to long weekends at the beach or sunny days hiking near our favorite lakes, we also take great pride in staying home and beautifying our gardens. After all, what better view from the back patio than one filled with colorful blooms?

So, as you enjoy your summer weather and consider planting and pruning this season, we’d like to offer some garden tips that will keep your flowers healthy and your vegetables thriving.

1. Deadhead those old blooms.

Don’t be afraid to pinch back dying blooms on annual flowers to give new growth a chance. Herbs need to be trimmed, too. The more you trim them, the longer they will last.

2. Water plants & veggies in the morning.

Do your best to avoid watering plants in the middle of the day and in the evening. Watering plants mid-day (at the hottest time of the day) soaks up too much water and doesn’t allow plants to save moisture for later. Watering in the evening can sometimes encourage fungus growth due to extra warmth and moisture. For best results, stick to morning watering when it’s coolest.

3. Stay on top of those bugs.

Are nasty bugs destroying your garden? Once you discover which critters are causing the damage, choose a pest-specific treatment. (If you’re not sure about a treatment, ask a garden specialist at your local nursery or call on our team at Castle Point.) Be sure to use your treatment in conjunction with watering—and you’ll soon enjoy those garden beds without annoying insects.

4. Feed those annuals.

Invest in some hearty plant food to keep annuals thriving through late summer. There are many types of plant foods, including kelp and seaweed fertilizers, that will boost plant and flower growth all season. Keeping the roots satiated with nutrients is key!

5. Don’t be afraid to prune.

In addition to deadheading flowers, don’t hesitate to prune ragged looking plants or blossoms. If you notice dead or diseased plants, prune them back and trim the stems of dying blooms. Light pruning will encourage better growth and healthier plants.

6. Add a little shade.

If too much direct sunlight is affecting your flowerbed growth, add some protection. Consider retractable shades, a pergola or a plant shade cover. You could also blend bamboo or larger potted plants into your gardenscape to provide additional shade.

7. Call for professional assistance.

Castle Point Landscape Design can help with all of your garden planting and lawn care needs. We’re pros at this stuff and can always offer our professional advice on keeping vegetables, gardens and flowers at their healthiest.

We’re Just a Computer Click Away!

As you continue to enjoy the summer season and revel in the beauty of your backyard, don’t forget Castle Point is always nearby to help with any landscaping or hardscaping assistance. Feel free to reach out to us online to schedule an appointment or talk to one of our landscape specialists!

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