Entertain Your Guests On a Brand New Patio
Those long, balmy summer nights are not far off and you’re just itching for some outdoor fun. But is your space ready? This year, winter seemed to overstay its welcome even longer than usual as it spilled into spring. And if you’re like many homeowners, the cold weather did a number on your porch or patio—leaving your outdoor area not quite ready to usher in the new season.
If your porch or patio is cracked, chipped, crumbling or in some other state of disrepair, it’s time to upgrade. After all, the only thing you want your guests to worry about at your barbecue is finding room to eat another burger—not tripping on a patio crack after filling up their plate.
5 Ways to Create the Perfect Outdoor Space
Thankfully, Castle Point Landscape Design has you covered with porch and patio upgrades or replacement options that will make your outdoor space the place to be this summer. Here are five ways we can help you mold your yard into the perfect entertaining area.
- Pavers: If you want an eye-catching patio, pavers are the way to go. Building a patio with pavers gives you more control over the design. You can choose the size, shape, color and texture to customize your look—from durable brick to versatile concrete.
- Retaining Walls: A brick or stone retaining wall can be the answer to your uneven yard. But in addition to its functional purpose (to hold back soil and prevent erosion), a properly designed retaining wall can add visual appeal, too. It can help set off your outdoor entertaining space or even serve as additional seating.
- Walkways: Whether you prefer a rustic or elegant look, a custom-designed walkway can make a statement when your guests arrive, as well as cohesively connect the other parts of your yard.
- Garden Walls: For a sophisticated, attractive way to enclose your garden, consider a garden wall. This long-lasting barrier will keep your garden safe, while providing visual interest to your property.
- Fire Pits: A nighttime chill is no reason to cut the party short. Fire pits add warmth and coziness to any gathering, keeping your guests comfortable for longer. Plus, they extend the shelf life of your outdoor space, allowing you to entertain well into the cooler months.
Leave the Installation to Us!
If you want an outdoor space that looks great and will hold up safely for years to come, leave the installation to a professional. Our experts at Castle Point Landscape Design are Interlocking Concrete Paving Institute (ICPI) and National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) certified, meaning we have the training, knowledge and experience to successfully design and install all types of hardscaping and masonry.
Don’t stress about creating your perfect entertaining space. Let us do the legwork so the only thing left for you to do is enjoy it. Contact Castle Point Landscape Design online today, or call us at 908.512.2267!