Sanctuary Planting: the Ins & Outs

Apr 1, 2024 | Landscaping, Uncategorized

Transforming Your Outdoor Space Into a Haven of Beauty and Tranquility

Aah, the great outdoors. With spring approaching, we are peeling off the layers and reacquainting ourselves with our home’s outdoor spaces. And while we love basking in New Jersey’s gorgeous spring weather, here’s one thing we might not necessarily love: our castle’s view. Perhaps you have neighbors whose clothing-optional approach to breakfast makes every morning coffee on the deck an adventure. Maybe you live closer to a roadway than you would like, and you’re tired of seeing traffic whiz by when all you want is a moment of peace in your garden. Or maybe your view includes a clear shot into your neighbor’s windows. (Remember, if you can see them, they can see you.) Fear not! Castle Point, the premier company for landscape design in New Jersey, has mastered the concept of Sanctuary Planting, and our team of experts can’t wait to help you create your own slice of paradise.

In addition to improving your view, Sanctuary Planting can vastly enhance other aspects of your outdoor experience:

  • Privacy. For most people who like to spend time in their yards, privacy is paramount. We don’t want to feel like we are being spied on, nor do we want to see every moment of our neighbor’s lives.
  • Noise reduction. Depending on the scope of your planting, roadway noise can be greatly reduced with the right combination of plantings, allowing you and nature to become one with each other. Strategically placed trees and shrubs can make all the difference between a yard that features an incessant hum of cars and SUVs and trucks (oh, my!) and one where the ornithologically inclined can sit back and enjoy the dulcet tones of the eastern goldfinch from the comfort of their patio.
  • Sun/wind protection. Sanctuary Planting can provide much-needed shade from the sun and increased protection against springtime’s unpredictable wind patterns. While you may love the sunshine, if your yard offers no protection from the intense rays, you may end up spending more time than you would like running inside looking for a higher SPF, a hat or sunglasses. You will find that you can spend far more time outdoors when you have increased defenses against the elements.
  • Curb appeal/property values. Quality landscaping of any nature will always increase your home’s appeal and value, but creating a tree/ shrub/planting cove? That’s as good as gold.

Good Enough Is No Longer Good Enough

March 2020. Remember how we threw our home offices together in about 20 minutes? Good times. Post-pandemic, with more and more job opportunities being work-from-home or hybrid, a table and chair crammed into a forgotten corner no longer cuts it as a home office. Each morning, we want to feel welcomed into the spaces where we create and manage and problem-solve and take on the world. Whether you choose to create an actual outdoor work-from-home area or you just want to look out the window at something beautiful and lush and inspirational, Sanctuary Planting could be the answer to many questions you didn’t even know you had.

The Possibilities Are Endless

They say that good fences make good neighbors. We would counter by saying Sanctuary Planting does the same—it’s also cheaper, endlessly customizable and can be structured to highlight all four seasons. Our talented team of designers would love to make your yard the best version of itself. Whether the transformation comes by way of trees, shrubs, hedges, vines or all of the above and then some, we think you’ll be amazed at what this seemingly simple idea can achieve. A leader in property maintenance in New Jersey, Castle Point Landscape Design will not only design and install your haven of solitude, but we can also maintain it. And if your existing plants could use some TLC or if your hardscaping needs repairs or a refresh, we’ve got that covered, too.

At heart, we are dream-makers. There is nothing more rewarding to us than bringing our clients’ visions to life and helping them discover a new level of love for their homes. If you are ready to bring some landscape magic to your New Jersey home, contact us online or call Castle Point Landscape Design at 908.512.2267.

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