Learn Our Glossary of Terms
Have you ever wished you had a green thumb? Or perhaps you’ve dreamt of knowing how to install a paver patio on your own. If so, you’re not alone. At Castle Point, our clients often confide in us that they wish they had a knack for landscaping design or hardscaping installation. Then again, that’s why they hire us. We’re the experts in both of these fields!
If you aren’t adept at landscaping or hardscaping, that’s ok! You can still learn the many terms and vocabulary that are associated with this craft. Even having a brief understanding of need-to-know landscaping terms can help you become better acquainted with your lawn and garden.
Here are 10 popular expressions landscapers use and what they mean.
- Aeration
This process uses a machine that puts holes in your lawn so more oxygen is generated to the soil. It encourages better lawn growth. - Aggregate
Aggregate refers to course material that is used for decorative landscaping. For instance, crushed stone, sand and gravel are considered aggregate material in landscaping design. Each are used differently depending on the landscape job. - Catch basin
A catch basin protects your home by collecting rainwater and other runoff and transporting it to underground drainage systems or waterways. This keeps your home’s foundation dry and safe from flooding. - Compost
Compost is a mixture of decomposed food material and plant waste. Its purpose is to fertilize the soil organically. - Deciduous
The word deciduous means “to fall off.” So, deciduous trees are those that shed their leaves at the end of the season. Common trees that lose leaves include maple, oak and beech. - Dethatching
This is the process of removing dead grass from underneath your lawn. Dethatching is usually done in conjunction with aeration and helps promote more oxygen-enriched soil. - Germination
This is the sprouting of a seed or spore. In landscaping, it can refer to a lawn that might be growing from seed. - Hardscaping
Hardscaping is the part of landscaping that includes “hard” elements such as pavers, retaining walls, walkways, stone features or patios, etc. - Microclimate
Microclimates differ from those in their surrounding areas. They are locally set and affected by atmospheric conditions. For example, a wooded area may have a cooler climate (shady trees) than a nearby park that is filled with concrete and absorbs more heat and sunlight. - Vegetation
This refers to plant covering or plant life. Vegetation is simply growing plants of a certain region or area.
Want More Landscaping Lessons?
Do you feel more adept now that you’ve deepened your knowledge of landscaping terms? We sure hope so!
If you still have questions, then our team is ready to provide answers. Reach out to us at any time with your questions or concerns. And remember, as the seasons change and your property needs shift from summer care to fall and winter, we are here for you. From fencing installation to scheduling commercial snow removal, you can count on Castle Point Landscape Design!